In which fields are short courses on offer?
Most colleges in South Africa offer a variety of courses, not just in fields of study but also in terms of how long you study. They also offer courses that are tailor made for job readiness. Matric College— Accredited by FASSET, QCTO, ICB, is another distance learning institution where students can up-skill themselves towards a brighter future. So, if you browse through the list of partner colleges on this web directory, such as Matric College you will see that they offer you a wide variety of short courses in the following fields. Here are a number of different short courses that might interest you:
- Nated courses
- Bookkeeping and accounting Studies
- Business Studies
- Child Day Care Studies
- CIMA: Management Accounting Studies
- Computer Studies
- CompTIA Studies
- Counselling Studies
- Creative Studies
- Décor & Design Studies
- Event Management Studies
- Financial Management
- Forensic Science Studies
- Graphic Design Studies
- Human Resources Management
- Investigation Studies
- Management Studies
- N+ Networking
- Photographic Studies
- Policing Studies
- Project Management Programmes
- Project Management Studies
- Radio & Sound Engineering Studies
- Secretarial Studies
- Sport & Fitness Studies
- Technical Studies
- Tourism Studies
- Web Design Studies
- Writing Studies
Courses Offered At Matric College
Matric College offers its students the opportunity to study from anywhere in South Africa, via distance learning. This means that you are able to earn while you learn. Matric College was born of the belief that every person deserves the opportunity to achieve their Matric, no matter what their age. In saying this, Matric College offers various courses, both accredited and non-accredited, to help students achieve their academic goals.
No Matric? No problem! You can apply to do your Matric Online via distance learning at Matric College. The Matric Courses on offer are:
- Matric Rewrite
- Matric Upgrade
- National Senior Certificate or Senior Certificate (Amended) depending on your age when you complete your studies
- Adult Matric
- Matric Equivalent
If you are looking to further your studies in the financial or business management field, the ICB courses are just what you are looking for. There are 3 study programs offered to Matric College students and they are:
- Financial Accounting
- National Certificate in Junior Bookkeeping
- FET Certificate in Senior Bookkeeping
- National Diploma in Technical Financial Accounting
- National Diploma in Certified Financial Accounting
- Business Management
- Small Business Financial Management: ICB National Certificate
- Business Management Office Administration: ICB Higher Certificate
- Business Management Financial Accounting: ICB National Diploma
- Office Administration
- National Certificate in Small Business Financial Management
- Higher Certificate in Office Administration
- National Diploma in Financial Accounting
Matric College also offers NATED courses via distance learning. These NATED courses offer you fantastic opportunities if you want to advance your career prospects by giving you the chance of earning a National Diploma qualification in one of the following streams:
- Business Management Courses ( N4, N5, N6, and N6 Diploma)
- Educare Courses ( N4, N5, N6, and N6 Diploma)
- Financial Management Courses ( N4, N5, N6, and N6 Diploma)
- Human Resource Management Courses ( N4, N5, N6, and N6 Diploma)
- Legal Secretary Courses ( N4, N5, N6, and N6 Diploma)
- Management Assistant Courses ( N4, N5, N6, and N6 Diploma)
- Marketing Management Courses ( N4, N5, N6, and N6 Diploma)
Keep in mind that the above list does not constitute all of the short courses on offer by South African colleges. These courses will also differ in how advanced they are, so there is definitely a course for every prospective student. Even if you didn’t finish school, there are still many short courses that will allow you to further your studies and work towards a full diploma. Most of these courses can be done without Matric and are accredited, so you have nothing to worry about! For some NATED Courses, you would require Matric or Matric Equivalent.
Last Updated: 11 January 2022
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