A good steppingstone?

Why are short courses a good steppingstone to get you started in your career or further your current career?

There are a number of very good reasons why you might want to enrol for a short course and view it as a good steppingstone to an exciting new career:

      • Perhaps you didn’t complete matric but would like to acquire a specific skill for which you can enrol for a short course without a Matric qualification
      • Perhaps you passed Matric, but your grades weren’t suitable for you to enrol for a full-time course. Keeping in mind that short courses often prepare the student for further certificate or diploma study, enrolling for a short course is a steppingstone to full certificate or diploma study
      • Perhaps you are not happy with your current career and would like to enrol for a short course in a different field of study, just to know whether you have found your niche
      • Perhaps you aren’t currently employed and feel that by acquiring a specific skill, you might be more employable


Obviously, there are many more reasons, but if you nodded your head in agreement to one of the statements above, chances are that you really want to try something new to find a job or get a better one.

Matric College— Accredited by FASSET, QCTO, ICB, is another distance learning institution where students can up-skill themselves towards a brighter future. Study Online Adult Matric and further your studies. Adult Matric is commonly referred to as Senior Certificate (Amended)

Matric College makes sure you receive the best experience in distance learning. Whether it’s business, Matric or creative related fields, we make sure every person finds the course that suits them. We offer exceptional student support. We make studying easy for you, it’s affordable and we care about the future of our students. Study accredited ICB courses in the comfort of your own home and at your pace. They also offer short courses, courses you can Study Without Matric and National Diploma Courses.

If you have a Grade 10 Certificate you can get your Matric in two ways at Matric College:

The team at shortcourse.co.za believes that any decisive step in a positive direction would be great for your career. Because short courses mostly aren’t very stringent in terms of entrance requirements, you could enrol for one even without Matric or mathematics. Completing this course will allow you to enrol for a more specialised course in the same field, since you would already possess some skills in your new chosen career.


Short courses are really building blocks towards the space where you see yourself in a few years or even a few months! For example, you might be a permanent employee, say a secretary, who would like to move to a different division at your corporation. You want to be a marketer for your company. Being a secretary, you already have a lot of skills that marketers must possess, such as the ability to communicate well with people and to be well-organised. You just need the piece of paper showing your employer that you actually have a qualification in Marketing. In this way, a short course can help you immensely to obtain your goal.


Short courses can also be brilliant for people looking for a job, as they don’t take a long time to complete, and you can choose to qualify yourself in a specific field of study. For example, if you want to work as a mediator, you don’t necessarily want to complete a 2 year diploma course in strategic policing studies; you simply want the specific skill you need in for the job you would like to find.


Finally, short courses, especially management courses, are very popular courses for people who already have full-time employment but whose corporations require them to obtain new skills. The world is very dynamic, and job descriptions change daily. Therefore, enrolling for one or two short courses per year will keep you up to date with what is happening in your specific field of study.

Last Updated: 11 January 2022

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